Our Heart for Missions

Our heart is that what we do as believers overseas on the mission field should emulate what we do here at home, and vice-versa. If we are preaching the Gospel, making disciples, and planting churches in Africa and Mexico City, then that is exactly what we aim to do here in Southern California.​
Our Strategy
Home Hub
We refer Neighbors & Nations as a "home hub". We see this idea modeled in the New Testament with the Church of Jerusalem and the Church of Antioch as they would send out missionaries and offer counsel to younger churches when it came to doctrinal issues.
House Churches
As we plant autonomous house churches, we make sure that each church is obedient to the Great Commission. As a home hub, we want to operate in such a way where we can continue to offer guidance to our people and church plants to make sure we are equipping the saints with what they need to continue making disciples who make disciples and to plant churches that plant churches amongst their neighbors and beyond.
Field Hub
We partner with "field hubs overseas. A field hub is a home hub on the mission field. We have established a field hub in Arba Minch, Ethiopia and Mexico City, Mexico. These field hubs, just like our hom hub, are focused on guiding and equipping the followers of Jesus around them to be obedient to the Great Commission in order to make disciples who make disciples and plant churches that plant churches.
The key to healthy partnerships between all our hubs is mobilization. We mobilize and send teams to go on short-term mission trips periodically throughout the year to the field hubs to help sustain long-term work and work alongside our nationals. Our hope as we continue to send teams and win souls for the Gospel is that God will raise up future long-term missionaries in the process.
We have been working with Pastor Samuel Olto for almost 15 years in Ethiopia. We started in the south, in his hometown of Arba Minch, and have been moving the work north ever since. We have since seen over 1,600 churches planted beyond their 4th generation and have seen many give their lives to Jesus. As we continue to come alongside Pastor Samuel and his vision, we are entering a new stage of work in Ethiopia where we are now mobilizing Ethiopian nationals to the surrounding closed countries in the Horn of Africa (Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, and South Sudan.
Mexico City
We have been working in Mexico City since 2019. Our partner is Pastor Luis Escutia. We are currently working with him in the heart of Mexico by engaging people in smaller neighborhoods around the capital and equipping people through group discipleship in newly formed house churches. Pastor Luis has also been coaching a handful of pastors scattered across the country of Mexico. Our first stage of work is sowing many seeds of the Gospel and equipping faithful Christian nationals. Following this, we hope to start sending teams from Mexico City to Baja California and beyond.